March is women’s history month! And, wow, this March haas been interesting for women. Between Rush Limbaugh’s colorful choice of word’s to Sandra Fluke and Danica Patrick, the “Women’s Right to Know Bill” which would force women to undergo a invasive vaginal ultrasound before getting a LEGAL abortion, the attacks and cuts on Planned Parenthood, all the ridiculous articles from the Yahoo! sponsored on how women should change who they are so the “man will marry them”, a rather long and heated facebook argument with a VERY conservative male friend of a friend about the right to know bill, and the fucking Bachelor/Bachelorette shows, there has been a lot of negative focus on women lately. And it’s kinda annoying.
There are some positive silver lining in the aforementioned examples. The “Women’s Right to Know” bill has been shelved in PA (PA politician Bill Patton said the House should instead be addressing jobs, transportation, education, and health care (thank you for infusing common sense into Harrisburg for a moment Bill), citizens in Texas are fighting back against the Texas governor and the recent dramatic cut to Planned Parenthood, advertisers are running away in droves from Limbaugh’s show, the “friend of a friend” as ignored me (and I’m not at all upset by this) ever sense I pointed out to him that he was more concerned about the size of his bank account and the taxes he pays and the troublesome “feminist lobbyists”, the the violation of rights to a group of people. A group his wife belongs to.
Finally, I’m pretty sure there is nothing positive about Yahoo!,, or the Bachelor/Bachelorette shows so I’ll move on.
Instead of the never-ending [insert preferred negative adjective such as “war”, “discrimination”, “belittlement”, etc.] of women of the world, I’d like to focus on the positive for once. Here are some feel good stories about women.
The girl scouts who chased after thieves after their cookie money was stolen. The other girl scout who saved her brother's life. This place that helps women veterans through art and community. Pittsburgh and our awesomeness. This lady blogger who calls goldfish out on their bull shit. And this 101 year old Steeler fan! Just a few to get you through the day. :)
I’d also like to note, to the more conservative crowd, I am not an idiot. I’m fully aware of the left’s discrimination and bashing of women. I know about Bill Maher calling Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann “bimbos” and “twats”. Although I do not like Palin or Bachmann because of their politics, they have been the subject many times over (Hilary Clinton as well), of misogyny from the media (and well everyone else). This can only add to the argument that this is not a political, but a gender issue.
Word count 461
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